The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its plenary from 17 to 21 October, in Rome. The CFS is the UN system’s guiding body for food security and nutrition debates, and this year’s discussions were marked by the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. A Brazilian delegation attended the event, as well as a representative of the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger.
“Connecting family farmers to institutional markets”, a side event organized by the government of Brazil, FAO, WFP, and IPC-IG (International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth), presented the results of South-South cooperation initiatives to adapt the Brazilian Zero Hunger experience to African countries. The director of Educational Initiatives at the Brazilian National Fund for the Development of Education, José Costa Neto, highlighted the importance of the link between smallholder farmers and school meals in Brazil. A school meals programme that purchases food from smallholders ensures a healthier diet for the children and income generation for the local farmers.